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  Pan,W.L.; Fan, R. G.; Pan, W. *; Ma, X. Y.; Hu, C.; Fu, P.; Su, J. Y. The role of climate literacy in individual response to climate change: evidence fromChina.Journal of CleanerProduction2023,405.DOI:10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.136874.

  Xu, H.; Pan, W. *; Xin, M.*;Pan,W.L.*; Hu, C.; Dai, W. Q.; Huang, G. Study of the Economic, Environmental, and Social Factors Affecting Chinese Residents' Health Based on MachineLearning.Frontiers in PublicHealth2022,10.DOI:10.3389/fpubh.2022.896635.

  Xu, H.; Pan, W. *; Xin, M. *; Hu,C.;Pan,W.L.*; Dai, W. Q.; Huang, G. The Mediating RoleofPublicHealthbetween Environmental Policy Tools and EconomicDevelopment.Energies2022,15(3).DOI:10.3390/en15030835.

  Pan,W.L.; Pan, W.*; Shi, Y. D.*; Huang, G.; Hu, C.; Dai, W. Q.; Zhang, X. Y. Discrepancy originated from intensity vector in embodied energyaccounting.Journal of CleanerProduction2021,313.DOI:10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.127588.

  Pan,W.L.; Pan, W.*; Liu, S.*; Tsai, S. B.*; Hu, C.; Tu, H. T. China's provincial energy-related carbon emissions-economy nexus: A two-stage framework based on decoupling analysis and panel vectorautoregression.Energy Science &Engineering2019,7(4), 1201-1213.DOI:10.1002/ese3.340.

  Pan,W.*;Pan,W.L.; Hu, C.; Tu, H. T.; Zhao, C.; Yu, D. Y.; Xiong, J. W.; Zheng, G. W. Assessing the green economy in China: An improvedframework.Journal of CleanerProduction2019,209, 680-691.DOI:10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.10.267.

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  Hu, C.; Pan,W.*;Pan,W.L.; Dai, W. Q.; Huang, G. The association of COVID-19 nexus on China's economy: A financial crisis or a healthcrisis?PlosOne2022,17(9).DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0272024.

  Liao, S. J.*; Jin, L.; Dai, W. Q.; Huang,G.;Pan,W.L.; Hu, C.; Pan, W*. A machine learning-based risk scoring system for infertility considering different agegroups.International Journal of IntelligentSystems2021,36(3), 1331-1344.DOI:10.1002/int.22344.

  Pan, W.*; Tu, H. T.; Hu,C.*;Pan,W.L.Driving forces of China's multisector CO2 emissions: a Log-Mean Divisia Indexdecomposition.Environmental Science and PollutionResearch2020,27(19), 23550-23564.DOI:10.1007/s11356-020-08490-0.

  Dai, W. Q.; Pan, W.*; Shi, Y. D.*; Hu,C.*;Pan,W.L.; Huang, G. Crude Oil Price Fluctuation Analysis Under Considering Emergency and Network SearchData.GlobalChallenges2020,4(12).DOI:10.1002/gch2.202000051.

  Liao, S. J.; Tu, H. T.; Hu,C.;Pan,W.L.; Xiong, J. W.; Yu, D. Y.; Jing, L.; Pan, W.* Fuzzy multi-objective medical service organization selection model considering limited resources and stochastic demand in emergencymanagement.PlosOne2019,14(3).DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0212308.